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現在位置:討論區 / 動物保護 / 以色列公司用藻類研發純素煙燻鮭魚

討論區/動物保護 文章

主題: 以色列公司用藻類研發純素煙燻鮭魚
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 235414 篇
發 表 日 期: 2022/04/26 22:18:23
閱 讀 次 數: 468
此篇文章 回應: 235301 (做個素食英雄吧)
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Research cautions Amazon rainforest getting closer to widespread dieback.

A new study concludes that since the early 2000s, deforestation and climate change-induced dry conditions have pushed over 75% of the Amazon rainforest to suffer a “pronounced loss” of resilience against events such as droughts or fires. Alarmingly, the research projects that once the tipping point is reached, a “significant chunk” or over 50% of the forest would die off within decades, transforming it into a savannah of grassland and trees. According to the analysis, which used satellite data from 1991 to 2016, approximately 20% of the rainforest has already been lost compared with pre-industrial levels. Worryingly, a massive forest dieback would have devastating implications for biodiversity, global carbon absorption and climate change, as the event would release a colossal amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Our appreciation, all scientists involved. May humanity urgently transition to a vegan lifestyle to address both deforestation and global warming, in God’s Wisdom.








Israeli company creates smoked vegan salmon from algae.


Food tech company SimpliiGood, which produces plant-based meat substitute items, has made a smoked salmon analog using spirulina algae. The ground-breaking product is based on a superfood and free of environmental pollutants. The vegan salmon prototype is comparable to its animal-person-based product counterpart in both appearance and texture. It features chunks and a recognizable orange hue derived from the same algae. The brand has also partnered with global conglomerate IFF to introduce the sustainable alternative to the US$5.2 billion smoked salmon market. SimpliiGood CEO Lior Shalev said, “The tremendous damage of the animal food industry to climate change sharpens the need to develop sustainable protein substitutes.” Locally, the sector is growing, with five new startups founded in Israel in 2021 focused on alt-seafood, including Plantish, which received US$12.45 million in seed funding. What exciting news, SimpliiGood! May your planet-friendly, healthful alternative grow in popularity as we transition to a loving vegan world, in God’s Upliftment.

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